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Monday, April 15, 2013

Watch The Thrones, Week 3

Episode 3, Season 3
For this installment DJ Undacut again posted a series of text messages between Dublin and himself.

UC: They sure know how to do an ending on that show.
D: You remembered what was coming right?
UC: Yes, and that made it hella worse.
D: The book was unmerciful when Jaime Lannister got his wing clipped. I remember the chapter just ended with "and then Jaime screamed" without saying what happened.
UC: Yes! I was disturbed. I thought they cut his dick off and made him into the new Varys.
D: My friend said they did in a way. His sword hand was his manhood sort of. It was all he was.
UC: The show did it mad brutal.
D: The scene was so well crafted. There were many scenes that were well done but that one was a masterpiece.
UC: It was longer than the rest and the suspense just built. It was like a Tarantino scene.
D: It was in a way. What other scenes did you like?
UC: The first one. The whole flaming arrow bit was great.
D: Yes, great way to introduce both Black Fish and Cat's brother.
UC: Word. It had humor too.
D: It was a classic GOT scene because it took a cliche from fantasy and medieval movies, the funeral of the king or whatever, and flipped it. While still pushing the story along and introducing new characters.
UC: That's word. I liked the meeting of the council.
D: Of course! When was the last time we saw Varys, Little Finger, Tyrion, and Cersei together?
UC: With Tywin? Never ever homie. The moving of the chairs was dope.
D: It was. Daenerys is slowly becoming a tough little queen.
UC: I like when they have all these thick ass plot lines in one episode. That can't be easy.
D: We never talk about Jon Snow.
UC: I don't think he showed up last week. Plus- he's kind of boring.
D: Do you like Mance Rayder, King of the Wildlings?
UC: Not really. He's not impressive. The King Beyond the Wall needs to be a straight bad ass and while I like Ciaran Hinds, he ain't no bad ass. They should have cast Kurt Russell.
D: I think that would have been distracting. That whole thing with the White Walkers making "art" out of the horse parts was super trippy and terrifying. I don't think that was in the books.
UC: That was fucking gross. That was like The Godfather times 1,000. Speaking of gross, Theon again?
D: That was odd.
UC: What up? He's not supposed to even be there. What's with that whole escape thing?
D: Actually, I have a theory. It think this is the series way of introducing the sick relationship between him and the Bastard of Bolton.
UC: Oh shit!! Dude even said "you little bastard" before getting his wig split.
D: I love this show.
UC: Me too homie. This was a bomb ass episode.
D: I agree. Talk to you next week.

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