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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Watch The Thrones, Week Two

Episode 2, Season 3
For this installment DJ Undacut decided to post a series of correspondence between Dublin and himself via text message.
D: First of all: “Everybody hates the cave people!”
UC: ??????
D: Nevermind.
UC: You like?
D: Yes. You?
UC: Fa sho. Any episode that got that much Margaery cleavage-I'm on board.
D: A lot of changes from the book right?
UC: ???
D: It's different. The big one for me was the scene between Catelyn and Talisa. Where she tells the story about praying for Jon Snow.
UC: Not in the book?
D: Don’t think so. I think the show wanted to make Cat more likable- they threw that in.
UC: She’s a bitch.
D: She has a rough go of it.
UC: Word up. No one get’s shit on more than Catelyn Stark!
D: I liked that long shot of Sansa when she was questioned about Joffery by Margaery and her grandma. You know what it reminded me of?
UC: ???
D: The Sopranos.
UC: ???
D: Remember that episode where Dr. Melfi got raped and the whole time you're waiting for her to tell Tony so he can dish out some revenge? There’s the same sort of long shot of Melfi after he asks her if she’s alright during a session.
UC: O.K.
D: You want Melfi to tell the truth so bad! In this case Sansa does.
UC: And theTyrells don’t trip. They’re just like: “Joffery’s a monster. Okay.” Like it’s no big deal.
D: The Tyrell’s may be underestimating just how evil that little bastard is.
UC: Or the Tyrell’s are some serious bad ass’s.
D: True. BTW, let’s give a shout out to Jack Gleason for playing Joffery to the hilt. He kills it.
UC: If I was him I would make sure that my agent had some nice guy parts lined up ASAP. Otherwise he’s going to be Joffery for life.
D: He’s that good!
UC: BTW, besides Jack Gleason these kids be getting big.
D: ???
UC: You see Bran? He’s like 35 already.
D: Good point. This season is supposed to be a few weeks or some days since Season 2 and Isaac Wright has gone from kid to young man.
UC: Sansa too. The girl sprouted!
D: I guess so.
UC: Another reason why these books be unfilmable.
D: Don’t say that! I’m loving the Merry Men btw.
UC: ????
D: The Brotherhood. They remind me of Robin and his Merry Men. They did in the books too.
UC: I like the wolves. I want a wolf homie to hang with.
D: Almost forgot. Theon!
UC: What’s he doing there? He’s not supposed to even be around.
D: In the books he wasn’t. The torture scenes were all “off screen”.
UC: I guess HBO can’t resist showing a pick going up someone’s finger nail.
D: A nipple last week, a finger nail this week. What’s next?
UC: We’ll have to wait and see. Peace!
D: Bye.

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