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Saturday, July 21, 2012

I Wanna Grow Up To Be Kardashian

-by Sam Clemons

There are late depressing nights where I sit alone and think to myself: Is Kim Kardashian the most famous person in the world? Now I can't say how one could even measure such a thing besides traveling the globe and holding up her picture and waiting for a nod or a shake of the head. So, let's simplify: is Kim Kardashian the most famous woman in America? It is with great regret and reluctance that I say I believe she is, or at least, yes, quite possibly.
Now, before you react and assault this blog with letters and e-mails of outrage I want to say that I have evidence. I know many level headed individuals would say: "in the list of famous women it goes: Michelle Obama, Oprah, Lady Gaga, and Angelina Jolie. Kim Kardashian doesn't crack the top three!" I would have agreed with you until this afternoon, when I went to the grocery store.
I was standing in line, waiting to purchase my instant macaroni and fish sticks, when my eye passed over the tabloids that align the shelf before the check out. I saw only one Oprah (she seems to appear less frequently since 2009, I don’t know why, have people become less obsessed with her weight?). There was a Gaga, something about her wild weekend in somewhere or another. There was an Obama, two in fact, one story about her horrible temper, another about her ongoing war on fat people.
Now, and here's some of the evidence I mentioned earlier, Kardashian did not appear on one cover, or even two. She was on FOUR covers in that grocery line.
This made me pause, think back and wonder, what is she famous for again? I believe she’s on a reality show, I hear it mentioned, I’ve never seen it, but I’m aware of it, as you are (don’t deny it). But, let’s travel back a little farther and offer the question as to why she is on a reality show. Is she a chef? Does she have knowledge of something like food, or art, something that she’s an expert in? Was she once famous for something, like acting, or singing, maybe dancing. Was she at least a model for God’s sake?The answer is of course no, she did a sex tape.
I know this because I was in a writer’s group a few years back and everyone was late except for me and the person who was hosting it. We had nothing to do and nothing to talk about it so the woman turned on the TV and a show was on called “For the Love of Ray J”. It was a God awful reality show where a wide variety of tramps tried to seduce a little plump man-child named Ray J, (hence the name) in hopes of “winning”.
I had to ask my host who exactly Ray J was and she explained that he was Brandy’s brother. ‘Brandy?’ I said ‘The singer that had a sitcom something like ten years ago?’ My host nodded and I had to ask how being Brandy’s brother accounted for the amount of fame needed to receive a reality show about you. ‘Well, he also did that sex tape with Kim Kardashian.’
Ah ha. Okay, so why did I know who Kim Kardashian was? I don’t really know. I think someone had mentioned the sex tape and explained how ridiculous it was that she was famous for that. At least Paris Hilton had been famous for being rich and then did a tape. Kim Kardashian had done the tape and then become famous. God, I’m making myself sick right now.
The point is that I know who she is and so do you. We don’t really know why we know but we do. When you hear young people say they want to be famous, not for anything, just famous, they are referencing Kim Kardashian and her “career”. She is a star because she dresses up and goes to Starbucks to gets her picture taken. What does this mean really for our culture, our society, and the future of our children? I don’t know really, it’s just late and I’m alone, so there you go.

Sam Clemmons is an accomplished journalist with the Contra Costa Business Times and is currently writing a play entitled “Life: A story of Misery and Misfortune in Three Acts”.


  1. The only reason you even heard about her sex tape is because of that famous last name. If you take it back before the crazy nationwide network craze of reality shows, just after Cops and the Real World was catching on, there's was a media frenzy over this crazy Hollywood homicide...perhaps you remember theyear long craziness known as the OJ Simpson Trials? You couldn't miss it, it was on every channel. Celebrated american football star fleeing in a White Bronco, leather glove not fitting, Kado Kailin (however u spell it), probably the most televised court case ever... the amazing attorney that despite all evidence to the contrary was able to get OJ off the hook scott free was KARDASHIAN. As if this story wasn't dramatic enough, there was a side story more people could relate to... Not just, how could the attorney for him defend a guy who had probably killed his wife, or for all we know had priveledged information and might've even KNOWN he killed her, but what if that woman was your wife's best friend? Both him and his wife, Kris, were friends with Nicole and OJ Simpson. While I could see how he could justify taking the case, I could also see how that could break up a marraige.
    And then more drama, he later got some kind of cancer or something and died suddenly right after.

    Now, before I get in to it, I have to tell you I 90% disagree with the idea of a sex tape. 100% if you're name is famous, as you can't get away with much without everyone finding out. However, Kim was young and probably acting out still, and dumb. Weren't we all young and horny, I mean stupid once? But we aren't in famous families... and we aren't super hot. Let's be honest, if she wasn't hot famous we'd have never heard about it. Once you're out in front of a media circus critizing your stupidity, wouldn.t you try to make some money out of it? I want to hate them or not care, but I'm intrigued and impressed they've managed to keep making money from it, especially for so long. I don't know how they do it. America is crazy sometimes.

  2. To be honest, I don't remember Kardashian on the defense team, I remember Bailey and I remember Shapiro, both complete dirtbags. But being friends with both Simpsons, and then being on the legal team? That is super dark.
    The weirdest thing about that whole trial is that they literally stopped my school for the verdict. I remember I was Spanish class (I failed twice) and they announced the verdict over the loud speaker. You're right, America is crazy.

  3. I think I had heard about the OJ connection but I didn't remember. Jeez, it's all pretty weird and gross.
