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Saturday, October 2, 2010

DJ Unda-Cut's On-Line Journal

(Note from Dublin: DJ Unda-Cut is a performer, producer, vinyl enthusiast, and a longtime friend of mine. I'm very excited to have him on Dublin's World and allowing us to publish his personal journal which holds his thoughts and most intimate feelings. I hope to have his entries become a regular series on this blog)

-Got up. There's fog outside. Is summer over? It lasted three days.

- Got high. Sun came out. I guess summer isn't over! Got a little higher. This weed sucks. Need to stop buying it from that one dude and start going back to the shop to get that black widow and the other sh*t that is called funky ghost or something.

-worked on beat. Still needs work. It sounds good but sometimes I think I should give up and start over. Then I get high and I listen to it and I think it's good again. Right now I'm pretty high and it sounds okay.

-listened to that Kanye album that came out a while back that I never listened to and I don't like it. He sings and it's super wack. That ain't hip-hop! Except that one joint. That one about being a monster? That's hella tight. It's playing right now.

-called that chick that gave me a number at my Sunday gig. She didn't pick up so she must be working. When she calls back I'm gonna tell her about this Sunday. Hopefully she can come. She’s kind of a hippie but I like that. She likes what I play. I play that good hip-hop.

-Dublin came over. I played that beat for him. He says he likes it but I don’t think he really does. I showed him my journal and he said I should publish it on his blog. I don’t see why but I guess I will. Why would anybody want to read this? He said no one will but he said he needs content because he can’t think of anything to write about.

-Dublin left and I ate a sandwich. Turned the TV on and a show about the Dark Ages was on. To live in the Dark Ages: wouldn’t that be some sh*t? All these knights trying to kill you. Loose women wandering the countryside. Then you have the plague and all that mess. Damn.

-went to a bar. No real reason to go, didn’t even want a drink, but I figured it would give me something to write about in this journal. Had a drink. What else am I supposed to do? Sat around.

-I think I’m going to call that girl. She must be off of work by now. I forget what she did for a living. I don’t really remember anything she said now that I think about it. I’m not ready to call yet. I’m going to have another drink.

-had two drinks instead of one. I think I’m almost ready. What was her name? I can’t really remember. I feel like she said it. I think she said it but I just didn’t understand. She had a funny way of talking.

-what was her name? Stephanie? Bethany? Hefany? God d**n it. I’m having another drink and then I’m calling her.

-Maybe Britney? That can’t be right. It definitely started with a B. Maybe it was Bethany. I don’t know. I’ll have one more drink and maybe it will come. A shot. Just something real quick.

-now I’m going to call. Bamby? Breezy? Baranaby?

-her name is Rachel. She doesn’t remember my name because she doesn’t remember meeting me, or giving me her number, or anything else about the night because she was super drunk. I told her to come on Sunday but she got weird and that was pretty much it. We hung up. I’m having another couple of drinks.

-I’m pretty drunk and I’m getting high. Listening to that beat. It’s a good beat. I’m going to listen to it until I fall asleep and then maybe I’ll work on it some more tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day.

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