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Monday, April 5, 2010

Dubb Bloggy Blog and the Blog Pound

Ok, let's get it going. Here we go. Onward & upward. Let's fill this space with tantalizing tidbits and random thoughts that spin on and on and sometimes go somewhere & other times just burn out. It's all good.
I want Dublin’s World to be dedicated to thoughts on music, film, food, life, and the literary. Whatever, I’m not going to set limits.
I want to have contributions from all that feel they have something to say, be it negative, positive but NEVER lukewarm. Feel me?
At some point I would like to conduct interviews with people that I find interesting, but I have no idea when that’ll happen.


  1. the world is a richer, more worthy place now that you are blogging. rock it, brother.

  2. and so it beings...dubby dub's world. lets go!!
